Announcements for March 16, 2025
Weekly Announcements for March 16, 2025
Please feel free to visit the church calendar for details on upcoming services and events.

Sunday Services and Congregational Midweek for March:
- 03/16/2025: Congregational Service at the building (10 AM)
- 03/19/2025: Congregational Midweek (7 PM)
- 03/20/2025: Thursday Zoom Table Talk (7PM)
- 03/23/2025: Congregational Service at the building (10 AM)
- 03/27/2025: Thursday Zoom Midweek Lesson (7:30pm)
- 03/30/2025: House Church Sunday
2025 Quarterly Leader's Meetings and Celebrations:
- Leader's meetings will be held both in person (Fellowship Hall) and online (Zoom Meeting ID: 847 3079 6218, Passcode: 842219)
- April 13th- 12:00om - 1:30pm
- July 20th - 12:00pm-1:30pm
- October 19th - 12:00pm-1:30pm
- December 21st End of the Year Celebration

- Teresa Summers: Please keep Teresa Summers in your prayers! Last Tuesday, she tripped over a paving stone on our front yard, falling into our flower bed. She landed on her left elbow and fractured it in many places. She will have reconstructive elbow surgery with pins on Thursday morning 3/13/25. The Sanchez family is putting together a meal train for the family. If you would like to sign up to bring the family a meal, please use the following link:
- Anthony Rhodes: Please be in prayer for the Rhodes family. Anthony is dealing with some health issues, but he’s home resting and recovering per doctor's instructions.
- Howard Williams: Pray for Howard's hip surgery on Tuesday, March 18, to go well, and for speedy rehab post op recovery.
- Sylvia Yanez: Hello brothers and sisters, first we want to thank everyone who has sent cards, come to visit, sent flowers and has been loving up on Sylvia. She is doing ok, but her spirits are starting to go down. Please pray for peace in her heart and for her to see God’s love through all this. Love in Christ, Sylvia Yanez and Viviana Kesel
- Stallings Family Thank You: The Stallings Family wants to give a big "THANK YOU" to all who provided meals, cards, inquiries, and encouragement after our house fire. Every member of our family felt lifted up, taken care of, and incredibly loved by you! Thank you for being God's instrument to show us that even the hairs of our heads are numbered, and He sees every detail of our life. Repairs have begun, all of our needs are met, and we are moving forward! Love, Patrick, Katherine, Marin and Caroline Stallings

"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:8" Please remember that contribution can be submitted online at: or via mail. Send all mailed contributions to: The Charlotte Church 1800 Camden Road, Suite 107-275 Charlotte, NC 28203. Contact the office if you have any questions (
One way to contribute that may also provide some tax relief is through stock donation. Please email us at for instructions
- Weekly Budget (2025)....................................................$17,000.00
- January 2025 weekly average........................................$16,176.77
- February 2025 weekly average......................................$18,462.71
- March 2025 weekly average (to date)............................$10,378.00
- Missions Contribution Collected for 2025........................$10,035.00
- NOTE: If you need to contact Benevolence, please do so at: (704) 342-1099 option 2. A volunteer will return your call within 2 business days.

- Check out the March 2025 edition of the Deacon's Corner. Click HERE

- Upcoming Bylaws Presentation with Deric & Glenna Boston: This Sunday, we invite you to join us for a special presentation as Deric and Glenna Boston lead a discussion on our church bylaws. To allow time for this important session, our worship service will be shortened. You can learn more about Deric and Glenna Boston by viewing their bios HERE. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we come together to strengthen our understanding of the guiding principles of our church.
- ENOUGH Group: the “Enough “group. We will meet Sunday, March 16, 2025, right after the special service that will be held. We will meet downstairs in the room opposite the bathroom (children ministry). Please contact Wendy Weir (201) 519.2538 or Renita Johnson (914) 346.0723 for details.
- CEG Women's Retreat: Attention all women! You are invited to the Carolina's and East Georgia Women's Retreat. This year's retreat will be
September 26-28th, 2025 at the Ridgecrest Conference Center near Asheville, NC. The Theme is NEARER: Come near to God and he will come near to you based on James 4:8 Registration is now open at
- Women's Day 2025, One Voice, One Purpose: On Saturday, March 29 from 9:30-12:00, join the women of the Charlotte Church, along with our friends and family, as we celebrate the women in our lives with a time of fellowship, singing, prayer, and light refreshments. There will be vendors showcasing their small business and door prizes. As a finale to this exciting day,
we will have the privilege of hearing four women from various backgrounds share their stories to encourage and inspire. Clicking on the link below allows you to register for the Women's Day, sign up to help, and to sign up as a vendor to showcase your business. Childcare will not be provided. Please RSVP no later than March 26, 2025. For any questions, please contact Lavonia Drabot at
- Mom's Connection: Mom's Connection: Hey Moms! 🌸You're invited to join us for a warm, empowering discussion on "Rediscovering Yourself: Maintaining Your Identity While Embracing Motherhood." Together, we’ll dive into the real, often challenging experiences of motherhood and postpartum life. Bring your friends, your thoughts, and an open heart— this is sure to be a meaningful and supportive conversation you don't want to miss!
- Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 7:30 - 8:30 PM
- Zoom Meeting ID: 584 285 0693
- Zoom Password: 5527993
- Family Game Night: Please plan to attend "Family Game Night", every third Friday night of the month. The first game night will be Friday, March 21, 2025, beginning at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. There will be games for children as well as Bingo for the adults. Prizes will be awarded to winners playing bingo. Light snacks will be provided. Looking forward to a fun time with friends and family.
- Online Women's Conference: "Beloved and Dignified"! A group of wonderful, visionary ladies have been working SO hard to create a fabulous online conference for women around the world. Friday, March 28th and Saturday, March 29th, 2025, Online Only. Register this weekend!
- Open Positions:
- Congregational Evangelist: The Charlotte Church is seeking a full-time individual to fill the role of Congregational Evangelist. Click here to view the job description. All interested and qualified individuals should email a resume and job application to This position will remain open until it's filled.
- Regional Women's Ministry Leader: The Charlotte Church is seeking a full-time individual to fill the role of Regional Women's Ministry Leader. Click here to view the job description. All interested and qualified individuals should email a resume and job application to This position will remain open until it's filled.

Children's Ministry:
- Save the Date: Spring Fling, Saturday, April 5th, 1-4pm. More information coming soon.
Youth & Family Ministry:
- Fundraising Opportunity: It's almost auction time!! Our Silent and Live Auctions will take place next Sunday, March 23rd, after church from 12pm-2pm. This Sunday is the last day to bring your new or gently used donations, service offers and vacation getaways for the auction. Again, the date of the auctions is March 23rd. Please show your support by joining our auctions in order to bid on some really great auction items and help us raise funds for our youth! If you have questions or donations, please contact Davina Lausen at (312) 834-6406 or Crystal Marrow at (646) 256-5096.
- CAMP SWAMP: It's SWAMP time again!! Camp Swamp provides a week-long overnight youth camp for 6 weeks for youth ages 9yrs - 18yrs. The first week is June 1-7 and the 6th week (the last week) is July 13-19. The purpose of Camp Swamp is to help youth see God by providing a loving, faith-building, and intergenerationally connected camp environment where campers experience play, connection, community and wonder. You will be amazed how much "One Week Can Change A Life". Registration is open now. Click this link for more information: summercamp - Camp Swamp. Moreover, we understand Camp Swamp can be costly, especially if you have multiple teens attending. Thus, we are happy to share we are providing need-based scholarships to families to help pay a portion of the cost for one week at Camp Swamp. Note: consideration for a scholarship is by means of completing the scholarship request form found at this link, Submission deadline is this Sunday, March 16th, so if you have not submitted your request form do so now.
Teen Ministry:
- Living Loved (for GIRLS): Charlotte Teen Ministry is looking to have a mini retreat over the course of 3-months (March-May) for teen girls. We want to speak God's truth over them, "you are beautiful, you are talented, you are priceless, you are loved." Using the THERE {4} Gathering Teen Conference Livestream materials, we will host 3 sleepovers (the third weekend of the month) where we will worship, hear God's word, connect, pray, laugh and maybe even cry. Overall, it will be a BLESSED good time. See the teen band app for more information and to RSVP. If you have questions, please contact Davina Lausen.
- Teen Prom: Hey TEENS, it's almost time to suit up in your stylish outfits and get ready for some fun, fellowship, food, music and dancing. There are two opportunities to attend prom in our region:
- The Piedmont Triad Church will host "Greece in Greensboro", themed prom in Greensboro, NC on Saturday, April 12th. Saturday will consist of activities, a sit-down dinner and snacks. The cost is $50 per attendee; registration is open now until April 6th. The prom is for high school students, grades 9th-12th. Click this link for more details: Prom Information - Carolina East Georgia Churches
- Join the Northview Church on Saturday, April 26th for their themed
prom, "A Night in the Emerald City"! The prom is set to be a night of amazing fellowship, memories, dancing and a little bit of “Oz-ian magic”! Doors will open at 7pm and there will be an assortment of appetizers and drinks throughout the evening — teens are encouraged to still get dinner before the dance! The cost is $30 per attendee if paying before April 23, and $35 at the door (cash, checks, or online payments are accepted).
- Youth Service Day: "Don't let no one despise your youth, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 CSB. Join us on May 18th for an encouraging and uplifting service where you will see our youth praying, ushering, leading worship and sharing. Let’s support our youth as they lift up praises to our God.
- Teen Cruise/Beach Trip: It's BEACH TRIP time again and the teens have voted. We will visit the beach by way of cruising. We will cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Utopia of the Seas June 27-30. The teen cruise is for rising 9th graders – current 12th graders. Registration is open now and all details are in the teen and middle school band apps. If you have questions, please send them to or contact Robert & Davina Lausen.
- Teen Ministry Calendar Events: Mark your calendars for these upcoming midweeks, devotionals and events:
- March 19: Teens/MSers Midweek
- March 23: Teen's Break-out Service
- March 23: Live/Silent Auction (12pm-2pm)
- April 12: Teen Prom 2025 (in Greensboro)
- April 26: Teen Prom, A Night in the Emerald City (in Roswell, GA)
- May 3: Teen/Campus/YoPro Event
- May 18: Youth Service
- June 27-30: Teen Cruise Beach Trip
FOCUS Ministry:
- Faith Health Ministry: We’d like to ask all members of the Charlotte Church to participate in this brief survey. The purpose of the survey is to find out how the Faith Community Health Ministry can meet the health interests and needs specific to our church. Please review the instructions before you complete the survey which takes about 10 minutes. The survey will be open until March 9th. Please click on the following link: Thank you. If you have questions, please contact (704)724-2362.
- Blood Drive: Thank you to all blood donors and volunteers who participated in our February blood drive! As a result of your contributions, we were able to help the Red Cross collect 32 pints of blood. Our next blood drive will be in August.
- Volunteer Opportunity: The highest number of households experiencing food insecurity are in the west corridor. Having enough food to feed their families is a daily challenge for many of our neighbors. We have an opportunity on March 15th with Nourish up, formerly known as Loaves and Fishes, to help these neighbors. Nourish-up is the agency that provides food for the majority of the food pantries that serve the west corridor. They have entrusted us to man their new warehouse on Saturday, March 15th in 2 shifts to sort donations, prepare food boxes and fill orders for the pantries that they serve. We are in need of 20 volunteers for each shift. Please click here to go to the HOPE Charlotte Volunteer Hub to begin your registration process. Please note: You must create a HOPE account to participate in these service projects. After signing up on the Volunteer Hub, your confirmation email will have the instructions for registering to become a Nourish-up warehouse operations volunteer. This is an excellent opportunity for you to invite a friend to serve along with you. This project is for volunteers 14 and older. You must wear closed toed shoes.
- Health Ministry Walk: Our health ministry will be sponsoring a group walk on Saturday, March 22nd. We are asking everyone who would like to participate to sign up so the coordinators will know who to expect. We have two sites. A group will be meeting in the NORTH at the Concord Mills food court. Please click here to sign up. Your NORTH point of contact is Mike Dames. A group will meet in the SOUTH at Carolina Place Mall food court in Pineville. Please click here to sign up. Your SOUTH point of contact is Lucy Ward. The malls open at 9AM. The walk begins promptly at 9:15 am. Feel free to bring a friend.
- If you have any questions, please contact Mike Dames.

- Prayer Request: Please send all prayer request (verbal and emailed):
- Verbal & Emailed Announcements: (due 12:00 pm Thursday):
- Deacons:
- Ministry Staff: (click on the specific ministry name on the left side of the screen
- Benevolence: (704) 342-1099 option 2. A volunteer will return your call within 2 business days.
- Building Request:
- Church Office:
- Church Website:
- Contact Change Request: Send your updates to
***Still not sure who to contact, send your questions/inquiries to the Church Office: