Announcements for May 26, 2024

Announcements for May 26, 2024

Weekly Announcements for May 26, 2024

Please feel free to visit the church calendar for details on upcoming services and events.


Sunday Services and Congregational Midweek for May

  • 5/26/2024: House Church Sunday


Beginning August 7, 2024, our midweek schedule will change to a congregational midweek on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.  More information will come soon regarding the details of these midweeks. 


  • Leader's meetings will be held both in person (Fellowship Hall) and online (Zoom Meeting ID: 847 3079 6218, Passcode: 842219)
    • June 23rd - 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
    • July 21st - 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
    • August 18th - 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
    • September 15th - 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
    • October 13th - 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
    • November 17th - 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
    • December 15th End of the Year Celebration after church


  • Brad Utley: Please be praying for Brad Utley and the Utley family. The first week in May Brad was in the hospital to try and figure out what is going on with his dizzy spells and radiating pain. They did find somethings they need to take care of. But sometimes the path is harder than the symptoms. He has a procedure on Tuesday for his esophagus (something they found out during testing) He is taking medication and doing physical therapy for some other things going on in his brain and neck. Please be praying for this storm that is going on in his body to heal and adjust. Also be praying for a new position for him. His contract at work ended on May 10th. My husband is a great provider for us as a family and works hard. Satan is attacking on all levels it seems. But God is good and he provides. He always does. Thank you so much Charlotte church family for all your love that is always given to the Utley family. Our God is amazing and will fix it all.
  • Jemel Horton: Family of God, Sharlene Horton would like our support and prayers for her husband, Jemal Horton, as he recovers from a heart procedure.
  • UPDATE - McClary Family: Thank you all for the many prayers for Chase! He is now home and there’s no long-term brain damage. It is remarkable how quickly he’s recovered. Continued prayers are asked to find the root cause and for patience as they continue this journey.


"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:8" Please remember that contribution can be submitted online at: or via mail. Send all mailed contributions to: The Charlotte Church 1800 Camden Road, Suite 107-275 Charlotte, NC 28203. Contact the office if you have any questions (

  • Weekly Budget (2024)...................................................$16,000.00
  • March 2024 weekly average..........................................$17,070.93
  • April 2024 weekly average.............................................$22,627.82
  • May 2024 weekly average (to date)...............................$18,351.22
  • Missions Contribution Collected for 2024.......................$29,846.50


  • Uchenna and Crystal Mbanuzue: We are excited (and saddened) to announce that Uchenna and Crystal Mbanuzue have recently accepted a ministry leadership position in Little Rock, Arkansas. They will be moving at the beginning of July. While we will deeply miss them, we are also thrilled for this new chapter God has planned for them. We invite you to join us on Saturday, June 15th to celebrate, share memories, express our gratitude and offer best wishes to this wonderful family.
    • Date: Saturday, June 15
    • Time: Guests can drop in between 2pm and 5pm
    • Location: 17835 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28278
    • Refreshments will be provided
    • For questions text/call Gail Allen at 704-919-9211 or email
  • Donations to the church: The Deacons and Staff are grateful to everyone who has made donations to the church facility. Unfortunately, we are not able to use every donated item. Before you bring any items to the building, please contact the facilities team at Thank you in advance for your understanding.


FOCUS Ministry: 

Teen Ministry:  

  • Beach Trip: We are approximately 6 weeks away from our 2024 Beach Trip Cruise. The dates for the cruise are June 30 - July 4. DONATIONS: those who can, we ask you to support our annual beach trip by making a donation that will go towards travel and/or additional activities costs. In advance, we thank you for your support and joining us in our efforts to make this a fun and a memorable event for our teens. If you have any questions feel free to contact the Lausens. 
  • Teen Lead Service: Are you ready to see our teens fully engaged in our Sunday service? On July 7th you will see our teens praying, ushering, leading worship and sharing as on this day we will have a teen-led service. Adults bring a teen, teens bring a teen and let's encourage our youth, each other, as we worship together. "Don't let no one despise your youth, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 CSB.
  • Teen Ministry Midweeks/Devotionals: Mark your calendars for the upcoming midweeks and devotionals:
    • May 26th: Y&F Memorial Day Fun Day


  • HOPE Red Cross Blood Drive
    • Date: May 25, 2024
    • Location: 2200 Ashley Road – Fellowship Hall
    • Donation Time: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    • We need your help!
    • Please click on the link below or scan the QR code to sign up to be a volunteer to man the blood drive. If you signed-up to volunteer for the February drive, please consider signing up for this drive if your current schedule permits
    • Did you know? Someone in the U.S. needs blood every 2 seconds. As a Red Cross premiere blood partner, we are helping to save lives - and you can too. Please consider joining us at the blood drive as a donor. If you want to be a donor, contact or (704) 724-2362. Thank you!
    • Signup:


  • If you have any questions, contact Mike Dames 704-724-2362 or


  • Prayer Request: Please send all prayer request (verbal and emailed):
  • Verbal & Emailed Announcements: (due 12:00 pm Thursday):
  • Deacons:
  • Ministry Staff: (click on the specific ministry name on the left side of the screen
  • Benevolence: (704) 342-1099 option 2. A volunteer will return your call within 2 business days.
  • Building Request:
  • Church Office:
  • Church Website:
  • Contact Change Request: Send your updates to

***Still not sure who to contact, send your questions/inquiries to the Church Office:


