Announcements for February 2, 2025
Weekly Announcements for February 2, 2025
Please feel free to visit the church calendar for details on upcoming services and events.

Sunday Services and Congregational Midweek for February:
- 02/02/2025: Congregational Service at the building (10 AM)
- 02/05/2025: Congregational Midweek (7 PM)
- 02/06/2025 Thursday Zoom Table Talk
- 02/09/2025: Congregational Service at the building (10 AM)
- 02/16/2025: Congregational Service at the building (10 AM)
- 02/19/2025: Congregational Midweek (7 PM)
- 02/20/2025: Thursday Zoom Table Talk
- 02/23/2025: House Church Sunday

- Sylvia Yanez: Hello brothers and sisters, just wanted to request prayers for my mom Sylvia Yanez, we got some not so good news this week. Her cancer is now terminal with very few options for treatment. The doctor says maybe a year but maybe less. Please pray for her peace and for her to lean on God and not give into her fears. If you would like to send a card, please do so to Sylvia Yanes 11225 Laurel View Dr, Charlotte, NC 28273. If you would like to visit, please contact Viviana at 704-737-8001, text is preferred. Her immune system is compromised so people need to be healthy to be around her. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support. Viviana Kesel
- Gilesa Black: This is an update on Gilesa Black’s mom (Dot McKenney). She came through her bypass surgery ok, but they still could not save her pinky toe. It was amputated second week of January. She is now in rehab and doing well.

- Helene Disaster Update and Needs from the CEG:
- Support the Appalachian Christian Church (Boone) Go Fund Me Page. Click HERE to donate.

"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:8" Please remember that contribution can be submitted online at: or via mail. Send all mailed contributions to: The Charlotte Church 1800 Camden Road, Suite 107-275 Charlotte, NC 28203. Contact the office if you have any questions (
One way to contribute that may also provide some tax relief is through stock donation. Please email us at for instructions
- Weekly Budget (2025)....................................................$17,000.00
- January 2025 weekly average (to date...........................$13,754.88
- Missions Contribution Collected for 2025........................$3,951.00
- NOTE: If you need to contact Benevolence, please do so at: (704) 342-1099 option 2. A volunteer will return your call within 2 business days.

- Lunch Bunch - This Sunday!

- CEG Women's Retreat 2025: Dear Sisters, please help us choose the theme for our fall CEG Women's Retreat and also annotate any areas that you or other women in your church could serve before and during the retreat. Your input and partnership is very important and much appreciated? Please try to complete this survey before February 7th
- Enough Group: Upcoming Meeting, please reach out to Wendy Weir @ 201.519.2538, or Renita Johnson @ 914.346.0723 should you have any questions.
- Date: Sunday, February 16, 2025
- Time: 12pm after church service
- Location: Lower-level floor children's ministry area in the classroom opposite bathrooms
- Theme: Guest Speaker/Paulette Sifford
- 2024 Contribution Receipts: The contribution receipts/statements for 2024 donations have been generated. There are two ways to obtain your statement: (1) Register for an account on the church website at and obtain your statement online under "Giving History"; or (2) request your statement by emailing Remember: If you will be claiming a deduction on your tax return for your donations to the church, you should obtain your receipt prior to filing your taxes. (Note: If you use the online option and do not see your contributions let us know so that we can connect your login account to your giving profile.)
- Open Positions:
- Congregational Evangelist: The Charlotte Church is seeking a full-time individual to fill the role of Congregational Evangelist. Click here to view the job description. All interested and qualified individuals should email a resume and job application to This position will remain open until it's filled.
- Regional Women's Ministry Leader: The Charlotte Church is seeking a full-time individual to fill the role of Regional Women's Ministry Leader. Click here to view the job description. All interested and qualified individuals should email a resume and job application to This position will remain open until it's filled.

Celebrate Recovery
- Next Meeting: February 11, 2025, Charlotte Church - 1st Floor (2200 Ashley Road Charlotte NC 28208).
- Doors Open @6:30 pm - Fellowship & Refreshments
- Devotional, Lesson, or Testimonial @7:10 pm
- Small Groups @8:00 pm
- Celebrate Recovery Ministry is seeking a Woman Co-Leader. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Howard Williams: 201-970-4205, Keith Jackson: 201-618-8646
Campus Ministry:
- Sponsorship Opportunity for Campus Students: In 2025 the Alpha Omega Campus Ministry has several retreats, trainings and conferences for students to participate in, all of which will be beneficial for their spiritual development and relationship with God! We are currently looking for support for students to be able to attend the SE Campus Retreat February 21-23 at Ridgecrest. The registration cost is $115, and we are looking for full or partial sponsorships. If you feel prompted by the spirit and would like to be a sponsor, please contact Jazmyn Ruby (602) 790-6171.
Youth & Family Ministry:
- Fundraising Opportunity: : The Youth & Family Ministry is preparing for our second fundraising initiative which is our Silent and Live Auctions. The auctions will take place after church Sunday, March 23rd, from 12pm-2pm. We are asking for donations for new or gently used items to auction. If you have a business and would like to donate an item, a service or a vacation getaway to auction, we would love your contribution. We will collect items on Sundays and Wednesdays, starting January 22nd; the last collection will be taken on Sunday, March 9th. Again, the date of the auctions is March 23rd. Please show your support by joining our auctions in order to bid on some really great auction items and help us raise funds for our youth! If you have questions or donations, please contact Davina Lausen at (312) 834-6406 or Crystal Marrow at (646) 256-5096.
- Mentorship: We all have heard the saying, "It takes a village." Our youth today are regularly faced with challenges and pressure from peers, social media, academics and mental health. Some of these challenges require professional help but many can be calmed/ overcome by our collective efforts and support to encourage our youth and help them to make good choices and grow into great citizens within their schools and their communities. Mentorship makes this possible and godly mentorship can be even more rewarding. If you are interested in helping our youth, whether that entails helping someone with homework, taking a group hiking, fishing or camping or simply going out for coffee, tea, bubble tea or window shopping in the mall, please contact Robert or Davina Lausen. Note: anyone who volunteers to help must complete a background check.
Teen Ministry:
- Tubing Adventure: Charlotte Teen Ministry is looking to have a combined tubing outing with the Charleston Teen Ministry. This will be an overnight event. The dates are February 15-16 at either Highland Outpost or Cataloochee. See the Teen Band App for more details and to let us know if you will participate. If you have questions, please contact Davina Lausen.
- Teen Ministry Calendar Events: Mark your calendars for these upcoming midweeks, devotionals and events:
- January 31: Teen Lock-in (Hosted by Triangle Church; See Teen Band App for details)
- Y+F event rescheduled to February, date TBD
- February 2: Teen Breakout Service (go to gym, after church announcements)
- February 5: Teen/MS Midweek
- February 9: Y+F Super Bowl Party
- February 16: Teen Breakout Service (go to 3rd floor, after church announcements)
- February 19: Teen/MS Midweek
- March 23: Live/Silent Auction
Married Ministry:
- Marriage Workshop: 2025 Marriage Workshop hosted by the Columbia Church

Children's Ministry:
- Teachers Needed: Children's Ministry is looking for you to join us as we introduce our children to the wonder, beauty, and majesty of God through the scriptures in a loving and safe environment. Please click the link to sign up to teach for the February-July rotation! Please contact April Williams with questions,
FOCUS Ministry:
- Blood Drive: The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be in our gym on February 15th. We will need donors and volunteers to man the drive. Please go to the HOPE Volunteer Hub to sign up to man the drive in your desired area. Please contact Mike Dames at or 704-724-2362 if you would like to be a donor.
- If you have any questions, please contact Mike Dames.

- Prayer Request: Please send all prayer request (verbal and emailed):
- Verbal & Emailed Announcements: (due 12:00 pm Thursday):
- Deacons:
- Ministry Staff: (click on the specific ministry name on the left side of the screen
- Benevolence: (704) 342-1099 option 2. A volunteer will return your call within 2 business days.
- Building Request:
- Church Office:
- Church Website:
- Contact Change Request: Send your updates to
***Still not sure who to contact, send your questions/inquiries to the Church Office: