Announcements for August 13, 2023
Weekly Announcements:
Prayer Request
- AnJanette Edgar: Please continue to encourage AnJanette Anderson Edgar with visits full of laughter, prayer, and snacks. We have added multiple visit slots and opened up the visiting hours to 10am - 8pm.
Congratulations & Thank you!
- Baby Wi-Afedzi: James and Tranika Wi-Afedzi have recently brought their newborn son, James Adom Wi-Afedzi, home from the hospital. If you would like to provide a meal for their family, please use the link below. Thank you!
- Baby Jacques: Please welcome baby Florence Mae Jacques into the world! She was born on August 3rd and she weighs 9lbs. Jennifer is doing well and baby Florence is in the NICU due to some fast breathing, but doctors are optimistic that she will be out soon. If you would like to sign up to bring a meal to this new family of four please use the link below.
Contribution Update:
"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:8" Please remember that contribution can be submitted online at: or via mail. Send all mailed contributions to: The Charlotte Church 1800 Camden Road, Suite 107-275 Charlotte, NC 28203. Contact the office if you have any questions (
- Weekly Budget (2023)..................................................$23,000.00
- June Weekly Average...................................................$22,472.82
- July Weekly Average ...................................................$16,684.23
- August Weekly Average (to date).................................$12,802.74
- Missions Contribution Collected for 2023.....................$47,241.71
Upcoming Meetings:
- LEADERS' MEETINGS and WORKSHOPS for 2023: Leader's meetings will be held both in person (Fellowship Hall) and online (Zoom:, Meeting ID: 847 3079 6218, Passcode: 842219)
- September 10th - 12:00pm-1:30pm
- September 30th (Saturday)- Leader's Workshop 9am-12pm at The Charlotte Church (IN PERSON ONLY)
- October 22nd - 12:00pm-1:30pm
- November 5th - 12:00pm-1:30pm
- December 2nd End of the Year Celebration on Saturday evening
Church Announcements:
- Garden Tea Party: Multi-generational relationships are vital to learning to navigate life! The Garden Tea Party is an opportunity to get together with our daughters, sisters, neighbors and friends, of all ages, to sit together over a cup of tea (and a few treats and sweets!) and share some of those stories, learn from each other, take home a garden tip or two, as well as some seed packets! Tea times can be for just 1 or 2, or more. (also a great opportunity for special celebrations!) During the warmer weather we do meet inside.
- Dates and times (including weekdays, evenings and Saturdays, as well as a few Sunday afternoons) can be arranged by calling: Toni LaGatta at 407-902-9413
- Calling All Teachers and Anyone Who Wants to Help the Teaching Ministry! : Are you passionate about teaching the scriptures in a way that brings them to life? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you! This year, we are thrilled to introduce the Regional Teaching Ministry for the Carolinas and East GA - The Teachers Table. We are inviting all disciples of Jesus who have a gift or desire to teach on any level and anyone who wants to support the Teaching Ministry in any way, to come together in a vibrant community where we can learn and grow with each other. We will have an Introductory Brainstorming Meeting on Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 11:00am, where we will explain the concept of a Regional Teaching Ministry and brainstorm to begin identifying prospective teachers, supporters, interests, and needs in our region that the Teaching Ministry may help to meet. Contact Crystal Mbanuzue if you have any questions (704-438-7017)
- Membership Updates: We want to make sure that we have the latest and greatest information on all of our members, please take the time to check out the steps below to view your profiles and check that all of your information is up to date for you and your family. If you have any issues or questions with this form, please reach out to for assistance.
- Go to and click on the Login link at the top right of the screen.
- Login using your created username and password. If you don’t have a username and password, click Register to create one.
- Once logged in, you will be directed back to the home screen but will now see your name at the top of the screen. Click on the drop down arrow beside your name and click on “My Account.”
- In the "My Account" section, you will find options to edit your personal details and update information.
- You can start by reviewing and editing your own details at the top of the page, such as your name, contact information, and other personal information.
- Additionally, you can update the information of other individuals in your family (spouse and children).
- Once you have finished updating the profiles, click save.

Ministry Announcements:
- Marrieds Ministry Game Night & Potluck: Marrieds, get ready to show off your skills at Spades, Dominoes, Chess...or whatever your preferences are at our Game Night and Potluck. September 9th from 6-9pm in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite game and sign up for your dish of choice. Feel free to bring a friend. Looking forward to having some fun together! The Charlotte Marrieds Ministry Team
- Here's the link to signup:
- Back to School Pool Party (Potluck): The summer is coming to an end and it's back to the classroom soon. Why not make one last big splash before going through those school doors? The Teen Ministry will have a Back to School Pool Party at the Lausens (1004 Five Forks Road) on Friday, August 25th from 6:00pm-9:30pm. Bring your swimwear, a towel and a dish to share. Also, there will be a poolside movie. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Robert and Davina Lausen via text or email (
- Teen Band App: If you are new to the Teen Ministry, i.e. rising 9th graders who graduated out of the Middle School Ministry, please join The Charlotte Church Teens group on Band. We use the Band app to encourage one another, communicate, coordinate, and post events. Go to this link to join the group:
- Going Back to/Off to College Pool Party (Potluck): It was great having our college student back home; many of you share that same sentiment. However, their return to the college dorm/apartment is coming upon us. For some, you will be taking your new college student to his/her dorm (bring tissue). Before they leave Charlotte, let's send them off some food, fun, fellowship and a splash. The Lausens and the Brights are inviting all SY 2023-24 campus students to a Pool Party at the Lausens (1004 Five Forks Road) on Thursday, August 10th from 6:00pm-9:30pm. Bring your swimwear, a towel and a dish to share. Also, there will be a poolside movie. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Robert & Davina Lausen or Jamal & Dellyse Bright.
Middle School:
- Carowinds Trip: Middle School Ministry will be going to Carowinds on Saturday, August 26 starting at 10AM. For those looking to go, please check the Carowinds website for discounted ticket offers! Feel free to reach out to Byron Smith with any additional questions at
- KABLAAM 2023: Mark your calendars for KaBlaam 2023. The event will occur on Saturday, September 9th, at our sister church, Triangle Church of Christ, 2103 Page Road, Durham, NC 27703. The website to register is still being finalized. As soon as it's ready, we will share the information with you so you can register your middle schooler.
- Communications: If you are new, have a rising 6th grader, or haven't join our ministry on Band yet, here's the link to join Through Band, we are able to communicate any changes, gain input, post calendar events, and more. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Byron and Jalila Smith at
- Blood Drive: Please consider giving the gift of life. Our next Blood Drive will be held on Saturday Aug 12th (8AM-1PM) 2200 Ashely Rd Charlotte (Fellowship Hall). Please take a moment to watch this video so that you’ll know the impact that your donations have for our community.
- 2023 School Tools Campaign: Many students in the Charlotte area are preparing to return to school. Here’s an opportunity to help make sure that they have the supplies they need for academic success. We will collect supplies Aug 6th – Sep 10th. All supplies will be give to Classroom Central. Look for the School Tools bins in our lobby to drop off your donations. Please watch this video. Please download the PDF for a list of the most needed items.
- Save the date: HOPE Outdoor Worship Service & BBQ Sun Sep 17th (Frank Liske Park Concord NC). Come join us for a great day of worship, fellowship, and BBQ.
- If you have any questions contact Mike Dames 704-724-2362 or
Common Contacts
- Prayer Request: Please send all prayer request (verbal and emailed):
- Verbal & Emailed Announcements: (due 12:00 pm Thursday):
- Elders:
- Ministry Staff: (click on the specific ministry name on the left side of the screen
- Benevolence: (704) 342-1099 option 2. A volunteer will return your call within 2 business days.
- Building Request:
- Church Office:
- Church Website:
- Contact Change Request: Send your updates to
***Still not sure who to contact, send your questions/inquiries to the Church Office: