Item Detail

Charlottetown House Church Service Sign Up

The Charlotte Church has committed to providing a church service for the Charlottetown community on the last Sunday of each month (House Church Sunday). The Charlottetown community provides housing for disabled residents aged 55 and over. We are asking one house church each month to organize this service by signing up to provide: study of the scriptures, singing, prayer, fellowship, and communion.

The church will provide: Bibles, songbooks, and communion supplies which will be stored on-site at the Charlottetown community. Each visit will have a budget of $50.00 to provide light refreshments, activities, etc. If you have a special request which will require additional funds, please notify me in advance.

On the first Sunday of the month in which your group have committed to serve, you (the Family Group Leader) will receive a packet with detailed instructions including parking directions, contact person(s), reimbursement form, etc.

Any questions, please contact me.

Paulette Sifford


PLEASE CLICK A DATE BELOW TO SIGN UP (dates without links have already been selected)
