Serving Opportunity Details

Serving Opportunities

Singles Corp - New Orleans Nov. 19th-27th

Spend a week with us serving in the Big Easy! You will work in the historic Lower Ninth Ward community to repair hurricane damage, engage in disaster prevention through coastal wetlands restoration, and distribute Thanksgiving meals to New Orleans families alongside local nonprofits. Dealing with residual damage from the levee breaches in 2005, and recovering from the recent damage of Hurricane Ida, restoration work remains! 


Price: $1,015 (not including flights)

Registration and Payment deadline: October 8

Click here for details and to apply to volunteer. By registering on our site, it lets HOPE Charlotte know that you are interested in these type activities. You must go to the HOPEww site to complete the official registration and application process..

Dates: 11/19/2022 - 11/19/2022

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